Self Care Ideas (Take care of yourself) #selfcare

3 years ago

Self Care Ideas (Take care of yourself) #selfcare #takecare
#takecareofyourself #selfcare #selflove #resilience #loveyourself

Everyone needs some form of self care. Life can get stressful and busy- especially this past year! (Feb. 2020-Present) But sometimes we just need to slow down, listen to our bodies, and focus on our own physical and emotional needs. As they saying goes, we need to love ourselves to love others and we can't give from an empty bucket! There are several ways to do self care. I have created just a simple short list to spark ideas for you. After you watch this video, comment down below on what form of self care you value the most. I might not have covered your favorite or most valued thing...comment on that too; let's add to this list! And please take care!

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This video was made with Canva. Copyright free photos and videos from Pixabay and Canva. Free and copyright free music from Canva.

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