Why I Cannot Wear a Face Covering-Because Jesus

3 years ago

I typed up a live document this morning and I just wanted to provide it in video format for those who prefer to watch things instead of reading them. I am reading some scriptures from the Bible and telling my views about face coverings from those scriptures. Some Christians might not take these scriptures in the same way I do...and that is okay. This really divisive subject is a very personal journey for each one of us. We are all facing it. No one is exempt from facing this. In my opinion, this issue was planned to cause division from who knows, but we can all have maturity in the Lord and know that arguing about it gets us nowhere...just see each other's points of view, know that it should always be a choice, and move on. So...here's my take.
Here's the document if you want to read it
Please share all scriptures that come to mind for you. I super want to hear them and study them. Thank you and God bless you. May all truths be revealed in Jesus name!

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