Trump Braveheart - Fake News CNN Sucks

3 years ago

Hilarious Trump Braveheart Meme - CNN Sucks

CNN pretends to be objective. They will tell you they don’t have a dog in this fight. They will tell you that they are just delivering the news with no political bias. They will tell you they they are just delivering the facts with no agenda.

They’re lying. And the American people get it.

The American people don’t mind a news organization with an agenda, they just don’t like being lied to. Because when you lie to them, and the lie is so obvious, then the message received is “You’re too stupid to know any better.”

And the American people are not stupid. They know what CNN is. And CNN knows what they are. But CNN won’t admit it.

So the chants will continue, until CNN makes some changes.

As long as they have their reporters turn on a dime and provide commentary and analysis on the story they were just “reporting,” the chants will continue.

As long as their media analyst reports that unnamed journalists are discussing the “president’s fitness” when “the microphones are off” and uses that anonymous assertion as the hook for a round table discussion on whether Trump is nuts, the chants will continue.

So the chants will continue.

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