controversial author David Mulatto

3 years ago

As David Mulatto journeyed through life, he experienced many things, racism, poverty, hunger, isolation and stereotyping to name a few. Fortunately for him he had strong survival instincts, and these instincts allowed him to maneuver through many of life’s challenges. At the core of his survival instincts is the ability to see many sides of a conflict. This is so important to understand because if we are going to thrive and prosper as a culture, we have to have the ability to understand more than just our own demands.

Successful outcomes can only be achieved if all sides of a conflict can speak freely and honestly. David Mulatto believes the desire to understand more than just our own environments is being eroded and we are heading down the path of cultural separation manipulation and eventually societal collapse. David Mulatto is well versed in history, he understands how prosperous free nations implode and collapse into chaos. He well understands how history repeats itself. However, he also well understands that it is only through the acceptance of knowledge and an open free dialogue that we will be able to expand our vision from more than just self-interest. David Mulatto cares about all races colors and creeds and believes if we allow ourselves to be divided without resistance then we will all eventually be enslaved by the restrictions of our own blindness.

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