Fmr CDC Dir. Confirms Conservative "Conspiracy Theory" is Highly Likely

3 years ago

The former Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) told CNN he does believe the Coronavirus likely originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Today on Sekulow, we discussed the breaking news that former CDC Director Robert Redfield has said that, whether intentional or not, COVID-19 likely did originate in a Wuhan, China lab, not just randomly from a bat or a wet market.

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said the following to CNN’s Sanjay Gupta:

"If I was to guess, this virus started transmitting somewhere in
September/October in Wuhan."

Dr. Gupta, seeming surprised, asked:


Dr. Redfield replied:

"That’s my own view. It’s my opinion. I’m allowed to have opinions, and I am of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, you know, escaped. Other people don’t believe that, that’s fine. Science will eventually figure it out. It’s not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to infect the laboratory worker."

Dr. Redfield also said:

"That’s not implying an intentionality, you know? It’s my opinion. Alright? But I am a virologist, I’ve spent my life in virology. I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human, and at that moment in time, the virus came to a human, became one of the most infectious viruses we know in humanity for human to human transmission."

Dr. Redfield is the former CDC Director who served under President Trump. Now that he can speak freely, he’s saying that he doesn’t buy the World Health Organization’s (WHO) idea that that this stemmed from a single bat. In his opinion, it came from the lab. He did make a point to say that it was intentionally created – not necessarily intentionally released, but intentionally created.

At a minimum, former Director Redfield is saying that he does not agree with the current CDC or the WHO.

My dad, ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow, gave his thoughts:

"Understand this, the original theory was that this came from the wet market so that it was a virus that was created from a bat. Now we know, or at least the indications are, despite what the World Health Organization is saying, is that this is something the Chinese government was creating. So ask yourself this question: Why was the Chinese government creating a virus and why aren’t the world organizations, WHO and others, asking that question?"

That is a very good question. The entire world has been affected by COVID-19. It made the economy stand still, killed a lot of people and made others sick. In some fashion, shouldn’t the government of China have to answer for this?

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The full broadcast is complete with much more discussion by our team about Dr. Redfield’s comments about the COVID-19 virus originating in a Chinese lab.

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