Dallas Police Shooting Hoax Exposed 06 - Lying State Troopers & Mossad Agents?

3 years ago

My full investigation into the Dallas Police shooting hoax of 7/7/2016 including my boots-on-the-ground up close examination of the scene.

A little background is needed here; earlier in the day I saw a woman having a heat issue and asked the trooper in this video (on another corner) for some water to give her. That's why he welcomes me over to talk at the beginning. But when he heard my questions and didn't want to answer them, you see him and the private contractor guy signal distress by reaching for their hats simultaneously. At that point, I'm surrounded and (attempted) intimidation from these visiting Costa Mesa California cops. I later tracked them down on the Costa Mesa PD Facebook page, and showed this video. Not long after, my series of 25 "30 day" suspensions began.

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