Stitch Fix Unboxing March 2021: Girl, do you ever keep anything??

3 years ago

Stitch Fix Unboxing March 2021... girl, why do you keep getting boxes if you never buy anything? Watch as I answer all your burning questions in less than 10 minutes xo

Also, I'm really into curating my own fragrance wardrobe of signature scents and was so excited when DOSSIER chose me as a Brand Ambassador for the next three months to highlight their luxury, vegan formulas that are cruelty free + crafted with 100% clean ingredients. xo

D O S S I E R:
Use code KATEB10 for 10% of all products:
Luxury scents, fair prices. Vegan, cruelty free, + 100% clean ingredients

S T I T C H F I X:
Get a $25 credit towards your first box:

​T H R E D U P
Get $10 off your purchase:

P O S H M A R K:
*Use the code KATE7710 to receive $10 off your first P O S H M A R K purchase*
Shop my P O S H M A R K Closet:

N O R D S T R O M T R U N K C L U B :
$50 towards your first Trunk:

M O R E G O O D I E S:
The steamer I love to use:
The strapless bra I'm obsessed with:
The nude heels I always wear:
My bamboo clothing rack:
(It was sold out for awhile... here's a dupe:
Set of wooden hangers:

H E L L O:
If you've made it this far... Hi! I love taking long, romantic walks down the makeup aisle, talking to my dog, and figuring out what needs to get in (and out) of my closet.
Believer in G O D + C O U N T R Y.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future."
**P R O V E R B S 31: 25**

B U S I N E S S I N Q U I R I E S:

*Always cruelty free*

#stitchfixunboxing #dossier #katebenz

FTC disclaimer: Some links are affiliate. By purchasing an item from the affiliate link, I will receive a small commission. It was a huge milestone for my channel to quality as an affiliate! Thank you all so much for your support xoxo

Filmed and edited on iPhone 12 using Kinemaster editing app.

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