Preschool Essentials

3 years ago

What is it that preschoolers really need to experience to help their brains work at peak capacity when they start formal schooling? That question has puzzled professionals in the educational field for years. From a neurodevelopmental perspective, preschool preparation has nothing much to do with books you find at teacher supply stores, Sam’s or Cosco marked “preschool skills.” It is not whether a child can use scissors, identify letters and numbers or write his name. It has everything to do with the development of the central nervous system and most especially the brain. The brain controls everything we do so if we prepare it with a good developmental foundation, it performs like a well-oiled machine when the pressures of formal academics are presented. In other words, all of the skills mentioned above that so many people concentrate on when trying to teach a particular skill, are really a natural result of good development and specifically neurodevelopment as you find at Brain Sprints.

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