Siblings of Special Needs

3 years ago

Special needs require special focus. Many parents must focus a great deal on their child with special needs, and rightfully so. Yet, how does the situation of having a special needs sibling affect the other children in the home? All family members of children with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, developmental delays, CAPD, Autism as well as those with syndromes and genetic disorders of all types are affected by these complicated issues. Are there ways that parents can help their other children through the ups and downs of daily life with a special needs family member? The answer is yes! In this episode, Dr. Jan brings in a special guest, an adult sibling of an individual with special needs. You will enjoy this candid discussion of what went right and what could have been better for these siblings, one with moderate/severe special needs and one gifted/typically developing. one with moderate/severe special needs, and one gifted/typically developing.

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