WND Exclusive - Is Despotism in Our Future?

3 years ago

by: Brent Smith

A growing number of Americans, it seems, are surprised at how fast we are descending from a free and liberty-loving society, to one which gives every appearance of emulating any one of many failed socialist/communist States.

But still most cling to the idea that this can never happen here – right? Of course not – although, for example, not too long ago Venezuela was one of the most prosperous nations on Earth. But hey, as the saying goes - they just haven’t done socialism/communism right. Seems no one has.

For years we conservatives complained about Obama - that he was a lawless president, he was despotic - that we've never seen anyone like him. How did he ever get elected?

But then came 2020 and a plethora of democrat candidates. And we asked how any of this crop of leftist radicals could ever become president? Yet here we are...

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