Greg Kelly Reports ~ Full Show ~ 03 - 24 - 21.

3 years ago

Greg Kelly Reports ~ Full Show ~ 03 - 24 - 21.

⇊Drone13 Opinion⇊

📢All the people in the picture are the ones who were murdered by that sick bastard Islamic Terrorist. These people mean absolutely nothing to the left. When they assumed that the killer was a white man out to kill brown & black people, these race baiting scum wouldn't shut up about the incident. But now we know that the killer isn't white and all 10 Murdered victims are white the sickos on the left say nothing. This tells me everything I need to know about the left. They're the Racists, the Fascists, They're the ones who are constantly pushing for a race war by dividing us, they want us to hate each other, they're the ones responsible for most of the true hate crimes. It's ANTIFA, It's BLM, It's the Democrat Party, It's the left-wing media, they all have blood on their hands, the blood of the innocent no matter the colour of their skin.

If you get the chance, please check out
the creators web link below, thanks.

The Corrupt and Political DOJ Is Over-Charging Oath Keepers and Patriots Like they did Targets in the Mueller Russia Hoax Investigation ⇊


🗽🏍Godspeed President Donald J Trump🏍🗽

🤜Never Back Down, Never Lose Faith, Never Give Up🤛


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