Compassion Is Dead?

3 years ago

1 Minute Encouragement: Are you dead inside to compassion? Compassion fatigued? Has heart compassion taken a beating in this present darkness? Is compassion dead? Heart to heart, we should be people who are adding value to other people. In order to do this, we must open our hearts wide to God and when we do, He will fill it with His compassion and it will overflow from us. This is a deploreable season of canceling other people and dehumanizing them, it is a time where people are hurting people for no good reason, just to support their cultural cause, which makes no common sense and detracts from our civility. Many people, in times such as these, have sacrificed their common sense, character, compassion, and civility at the altar of their cultural cause as they serve no power higher than self rule. This is a time like no other time, where the Character of Christ, His kindness, His tender heart of mercy, His compassion, His goodness and His Love, all things of the Heart of God, should be our life mirror reflection. In the face of the prevalent dark-evil behavior of our time, being paraded down our streets, we need to shine God’s good character. How? By being wise as serpents and gentle as doves, living out of God’s truth and love, and staying in close followship of Him. Heart TO Heart, be so, intentionally kingdom cultured by God. So today, may each of us link up with God, Heart To Heart and be found adding value to the people in our sphere of influence. Dig Deeper:

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