Cancel Culture: How to Fight Against Their War on Objective Truth

3 years ago

Cancel Culture, a longtime subject of ridicule, has engulfed a large number of Americans and Western Europeans to the point where this nation has become divided amid an ideological Civil War. Although a relatively small minority of people are "involved" in the cancelling mayhem, it is a very loud section of the constant Twitter and social Media users. If the Cancel Calls are loud enough, too many companies, politicians and well-meaning individuals wind up bowing to the mob's superficial arguments. When that happens, critical thought and objective truth becomes lost among the rantings of a manipulated mob.

How do we fight this while the Left controls most media outlets and academia, where critical thinking has been eschewed in favor of indoctrination and taking money from impressionable young people while saddling them with debt many can not pay off?

London Center for Policy Research President Lt. Col. (Ret) Tony Shaffer and New York Young Republican Club President/LCPR Fellow Gavin Wax break down what has caused critical thought to become a dying art and objective truths to be cast aside by "feelings" on this week's Thought to Action

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