One Simple 211 Tactic From God to Save America

3 years ago

I’m gonna give you one simple tactic from God in the Bible that would help you to help America. This is one simple trick that will help us.

What I’m asking you to do is so easy. It’s so simple. It takes two minutes. It takes one minute. It’s so simple and easy it’s not some hard or difficult thing. And if you’re willing to read my paragraphs, you’ll see that it’s so simple what I’m asking. But it will save America. And my video is two minutes long. Look at Deuteronomy 21:1 for a start.

America has two problems, which have two answers. It’s so simple and easy and it only takes 10 seconds. It’s a hack, it’s a easy simple trick. Please listen and read.

Americans in general, aside from extremely elite minority of leftists, are not committing human trafficking and Satanic blood rituals, and while most Americans hate abortion, there is a wider spread of people receiving abortions. Nevertheless, even though most of America is innocent, this blood has been spilled in our land and that unavoidably must be dealt with between God and Satan in the universe on America. So we must respond so that this process of destruction does not continue. However, do you have an attitude of repentance and humility where you’re willing to admit that maybe you were guilty or you could be guilty or that you are guilty? Are you willing to go there and roll that dice with God? Do you think you know everything so that you know that you’re not guilty and that this was not a punishment? Finally do you believe that God is alive and powerful and can change the situation?

Here are the super easy tricks hacks and tactics that will help you save America, if you believe that God is alive and powerful and that God can save America:

Number 1: have humility and recognize you don’t know everything, number 2(a) if America is being punished and if there was a saying that you were not aware of, some guilt in you or in America in general that could possibly make God mad or enable Satan to attack us, And if you were not aware of it, because you are not able to know everything, do you have the humility to say “God I’m sorry for something, anything I did,” have the attitude of repentance and down cast guilt, with ashes on your face symbolically, and say the words that yes it’s because we’re in trouble, ask forgiveness and admit fault whatever that I did that’s the reason I’m in the situation?

Are you willing to state and publicly publish your status in front of God? Make your status guilt and repentance asking for forgiveness and rescue?

Even if you don’t know what it is you are guilty of. Or don’t think that you did, to say out loud to God as your stance and think that you might have or that you did, possibly an experimental change your mind to consider that you’re guilty. It might not be true you might not be guilty. But are you willing to go there? Do you have that humility?

When there are sins like abortion and human trafficking and Satanic ritual sacrifices, and other serious sins in a country that you know are happening an unavoidable physical response from God takes place. This began with 9/11, abortion means God destroys a country. Human trafficking and pedophilia satanic blood ritual murders sacrificed, and all that fall into the same category. If that’s happening in the country, that country gets destroyed. This is repeated throughout history.

Trick tactic Number 2(b), when there are these kind of blood guilt sins which happened in your country and you know about it, .... but someone else did it, ..... but you don’t know who and/or....... you’re not able to stop it or avenge it to get justice, .......... then you have to make a verbal prayer of release of the situation to God as a group and as a community. Officially.
A lá Deuteronomy 21:1.

This could be five people in your neighborhood praying. This could be your local group of Christian who work together to pray for the community. this could be you and your Christian friends meeting at coffee to do this. This could be your church Congregation. Even two or three people gather together have the right to officially represent their own community in which they live. Because they live inside the community and therefore they have standing in front of God to make that prayer representative. Just a handful of people had been the representatives for Sodom and Gamorra, those cities would still exist today. What do you physically do in prayer and as a group of christians in spirotual warfare can have very real and powerful physical results that prevent disaster. I’m not asking you to go through A Kay Boachie prayer session, So it wouldn’t be a bad idea, I’m not asking you to go through a Pentecostal pastor praying fire on demons for two hours. What I am suggesting to you is very simple from the heart straight from your heart to God, and can have a wide ranging effect.

But as a group, and you do have authority to represent your community, with officialness, representing your local area you have to renounce and denounce the crime of murdered blood, abortion and trafficking of humans and elitist pedophilia and sacrifice.

Following Deuteronomy 21:1 you got to do this procedure Legally in front of God and Heaven and for all to see and witness, in the name of Jesus, that we see that a crime has been committed, we didn’t commit it, we hate it, we ask God to forgive us and our land and our community, to forgive us for not somehow preventing it, to forgive us of any other scent of which we are guilty, to hold us not guilty, and our land not guilty, and our country and community, and ask God to avenge the blood and punish the real perpetrator.

That’s something that’s in the Bible, it’s a prescribed protocol for a certain situation that we experience right now.

This is a procedure that applies directly to the crime of abortion human trafficking and Satanic ritual that is going on in America right now by the american communist, leftist globalist elite, including rinos.

And we don’t sacrifice a bull.... because Jesus was sacrificed, we do this based on the blood of Jesus. Based on the gospel and salvation, we’re going to do this procedure and protocol.

This is the spiritual warfare procedure for blood guilt which falls upon the land. If we don’t do this, the only answer is that destruction follows. That’s what happen with the flood it’s what happened with 9/11 and it’s what happened with the Aztecs. I can make a longer list but I won’t here.

Satan isn’t attacking us directly, he’s attacking the land under our feet. If he does that successfully, all the people on it will get obliterated during the upheaval of the land. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. God has to respond to blood guilt, and if the guilt is just falling on the land, it makes the land culpable and it takes away to protection over that physical area. It makes us collateral damage, and that’s exactly what’s happening. We can’t play stupid here, we half to respond and what I’m asking you to do is so easy and so simple.

The apostle Paul says we are not unaware of the schemes of the devil. We need to be Wiley and we need to be wise and we need to be able to fight that spiritual fight.

And the Devil knows that Americans are too stupid and naïve to think of even trying to do such a thing Like follow Deuteronomy 21:1 to try and save America from the trump 2020 Biden disaster. Even though it would work, Americans just wouldn’t do that unless someone told them ...... maybe.

Are Americans audacious enough to think they would be saved As they pray a prayer that’s prescribed in the Bible from Dwuteronomy? Save them from communism?

This is a physical principle that exists in the universe from God and it’s a spiritual principle and it has direct physical results in the world. Human sacrifice is unacceptable. Nations that have human sacrifice going on inside of them get obliterated. Satan wants to obliterate America. Therefore he is committing human sacrifice on a Mescale because this is the place where the church is being strong.

This is the enemy strategy, if you pay attention to this you can undermine the strategy of Satan and possibly save America.

Satan knows that If you can just fill the land with blood guilt God must punish the land even if the people had no responsibility for the crime. So we have to separate the land from the crime, and handed over to God to avenge. It’s a procedure that is done and is prescribed in the Bible. But Americans are not humble enough and they’re not willing to listen to God enough to do it, unless maybe they are and maybe I’m wrong.

Step three, you have to be humble and you half to radically take your precious China pot that’s so valuable and wealthy and precious to you, your opinions opposed to gods opinions, and you need to take your own pot and shattered on the ground and let God have his opinions win. Any sign in the universe can reveal to you that maybe we are on the wrong path it may be that God has stopped helping America. And maybe it’s just such a simple linchpin, such a simple kingpin linchpin sin that might not be large, but it just has a strong affect. And maybe that’s humility. To be humble enough to ask forgiveness for something that you might not even have done and pay back what you might not have stolen. To roll that dice and let God vindicate you as he will, if you’re innocent, and to forgive you if you were not and it’s discovered that you were not because God reveals to you a si that you were not aware of.

It may not even be true. Maybe America didn’t do anything wrong, but is America willing to admit that it might’ve done wrong which resulted in Trump falling flat on his face and putting his tail between his legs in America facing a disaster?

Is America willing to admit that we could have send and it could have resulted in this, even if we didn’t? And are you willing to only verbally say that to appease God, or are you really meaning that and you’re willing to roll those dice and put your money on the line in your own mind to admit to yourself that you could be wrong jump on that cliff and hope that the updraft keeps your hang glider alive and afloat? Can you admit to yourself that you might’ve sent? Maybe you didn’t but maybe you did? That was the thing with Job. He was innocent but he wasn’t willing to consider that he might not have been. He was prideful he thought he knew everything.

The problem is not the problem, Joe Biden and trump 2020 election fraud cool in the takeover of America by a communist regime of American communist LA with China and satanic pedophile globalist elites that pull in control all the strings, the problem is our attitude about the problem. Whether or not we’re willing to admit to God that we could’ve possibly been guilty and that we might be in trouble that he might have allowed it for some reason. Not that it did in fact, but are we willing to allow her mind to view that possibility? Is the attitude of our mind, and if we don’t have an attitude that’s willing to go there and willing to pursue a question of whether not we’re guilty, and God can help us. If you’re not humble God can’t help you.. Even if you were innocent, but you had an arrogant or proud heart inside of you that wouldn’t admit that you could possibly not be innocent, then God wouldn’t be able to save you and help you like an innocent person who is humble. People get treated innocent, if they are innocent and humble. People don’t get treated innocent if they are innocent and arrogant. At least not in God‘s kingdom from heaven down. Human beings should not play God, if they know innocence they should treat it even if the guy is a jerk. But right now we’re talking about America, God, and heaven above.

Maybe you didn’t do anything and you truly are innocent just like job. The point is are you willing to admit that you could have a mistake in you or in your country’s soul? If Americans will just admit that we could have been wrong even if we weren’t but we’re willing to admit that we could’ve been, with full intent to admit or accept if God says yes you are, you’re really gonna roll the dice on that one, let God decide if you’re guilty, he will certainly save you if you’re not guilty and vindicate your conscience, and will certainly save you and forgive you if you were guilty.

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