Maj. Gen. Alberto Rosende provides feedback on the unit's first ACFT

3 years ago

Credit: Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta | Date Taken: 03/16/2021
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.- Army Reserve Maj. Gen. Alberto Rosende, commanding general, 63rd Readiness Division provides his feedback on the unit's first Army Combat Fitness Test, which was held during hybrid battle assembly, March 6, 2021. About 45 Soldiers participated in the first 63rd RD ACFT and about 13 staff members assisted in the process. This fitness test measures endurance, strength, and cardio vascular fitness throughout the six required events of the ACFT. #USArmyReserve #Soldiers #63rdReadinessDivision #Readiness #ACFT #Fitness #PhysicalFitness

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