NOT Shaken

3 years ago

I love the promises of God, they are so stabilizing in these changing times where everything that can be rocked is violently rocking. How do we keep our feet on the ground, when the forces of evil are tearing apart our very foundation? Well, simply-significantly, we are anchored deep on the Rock of Jesus Christ. Jesus is our protector in these times. He changes not. He is firm, steady and sure. God is our keeper, He will keep us firmly upon a foundation that does not shake. When everything that can shake is shaking, GOD does not. Jesus is a protector of our stability. We can have peace in the chaos because we stand upon the promise that our God will protect us from the evil one. The Promises of God are a truly strong foundation and they are in abundance supply in our Bible, our Living Word of God. As we stand on the Promises of God, we are not shaken, we are confidently secure in a chaotic world. Jesus is my Rock and my Fortress, I shall not be moved. Heart TO Heart, stand upon the Rock, know God personally, and be bold, strong, courageous and unmovable in times such as these. Dig Deeper:

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