EP | 93 America First Republicans: Winning in 2022 and Beyond

3 years ago

Now that we know for sure President Trump is not creating a new party with his base, it is time to take the GOP party apparatus with America First Republicans. Every day I get this question: what can we do to ensure we a party that enacts and protects America First policies? After all, that’s what President Trump and his administration were really about, prioritizing us, the American people, over the interests of the rest of the world. The first thing we need to do is encourage Trump supporters who left the Republican party for various reasons to return right away. That is easy and you can do it today. Next, I need you to listen to the show today. We have a very special guest that has developed and is executing a plan to take the party from the squish establishment Republicans who want to keep their power. I know what you’re thinking, we’ve been down this road before, but I have to be honest, this plan is the first of its kind I’ve seen, and I want to help our guest get the word out. This is the action we can all take and today, I’m returning to the Republican party to welcome to volunteer for this plan in my home state. So, lets welcome our guest today, who you may have seen on Steve Bannon’s Warroom Pandemic show, the man who runs PrecinctStrategy.com and author of How To Get Into The Real Ball Game Of Politics Where You Live To Help President Donald J. Trump Make America Great Again, Dan Schultz, to the Rob Maness Show!

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