The Business Wisdom of Steve Jobs | MOTIVATIONAL Quotes Of Steve Jobs

3 years ago

The Business Wisdom of Steve Jobs | MOTIVATIONAL Quotes Of Steve Job
Even in death, people remain divided over Steve Jobs, the co-founder of
Apple Inc. and known to the world as the man behind the iMac, iPod, iPhone
and iPad.
To some, Jobs was a man who changed the world for the better, an inventor
and entrepreneur whose impact on daily life is immeasurable. To others, Jobs
was a false idol, the symbol of everything wrong with a business playing its
cards close to the chest. Everyone had an opinion about him.
But he wasn’t always the center of attention. Steven Paul Jobs, born in San
Francisco in 1955 and adopted and raised by Paul and Clara Jobs, was in fact a
college dropout who found his lack of higher education hindering his path into
the technology business. He eventually found work at burgeoning videogame
company Atari, Inc., and it was around this time that he met Steve Wozniak.
It was a small humble beginning: Jobs, Wozniak and third partner Ronald
Wayne founded Apple in 1976. A year later the “Apple II” was released to some
success, but it wasn’t until 1984, with a Superbowl ad and the release of the
“Macintosh” that Apple really began the first of two creative and financial
By all accounts, Jobs was a brilliant but difficult creative thinker, someone
motivated by the idea that the simpler the design and the easier to use, the better
the product. But his unorthodox ideas and ambitions eventually forced his
resignation from Apple amidst power grabs over the company’s board of
directors and executives.
He left in 1985, and given the full history of the company, it’s telling that in
his absence Apple began to stagnate in innovation and products, while Jobs’ two
new ventures become the foundation for the later years of his life.
In the case of Pixar, originally a small graphic design offshoot of Lucasfilms,
Jobs bought a $10 million company and sold it less than twenty years later for
$7.4 billion to Disney. Along the way, the company revolutionized animation,
starting with Toy Story and releasing successful full-length features almost most
every year since.
“From almost the beginning at Apple we were, for some incredibly
lucky reason, fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right
“I had dinner in Seattle at Bill Gates’ house a couple of weeks ago.
We were both remarking how at one time we were the youngest guys
in this business, and now we’re the graybeards.”

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