Don't Worry About Your Health | Stop Worry and Anxiety Series

3 years ago

Our health is another essential part of our lives, one that greatly influences all other areas. And of course, Jesus teaches us all about it – how God wants us to think in regards to our health.

For a really long time, I used to think that “don’t worry” is the same as “don’t care,” but it’s not. “Don’t worry” means don’t spend your time imagining the worst that can happen. Instead, we must spend our time focusing on Jesus, learning His Word, and as He promises us, the Truth shall make us free. Free from unhealthy thoughts about our health, free from lies about our health and how God sees our health, and free from any worry or anxiety about our health.

God did not create us to live worried or anxious, but to depend upon Him for everything, as our Perfect Heavenly Father. And the Truth of who He really is, how we’re meant to relate to Him, and how He set things up – we find in the Bible, His Eternal Word to us. So don’t worry about your health! Let’s look to what God says about it, instead!

I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and I hope it encourages you to start learning about this important topic in our lives from God’s Perspective, and to start getting rid of any worry or anxiety influencing you today! Because getting rid of such emotional garbage such will help us to not only be able to feel loved by others in whatever love language they may be speaking, but it will help us to be able to be more loving towards them in all the love languages, and therefore be successful in all areas of our lives!

God bless you, abundantly!!

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