Back and Tri - 20210323

3 years ago

Back and Triceps this morning. Ran out of time before I could hit shoulders like I wanted. The grind never stops!

Today's Routine
Neutral Bar Lat Pulldown
Set 1 : 120x15
Set 2 : 120x15
Set 3 : 120x15
Set 4 : 140x12

Dumbbell Rear Delt Row
Set 1 : 100x12
Set 2 : 100x12
Set 3 : 100x12
Set 4 : 100x12

Cable Seated Row
Set 1 : 160x15
Set 2 : 160x15
Set 3 : 160x15
Set 4 : 200x12

EZ Bar Incline Triceps Extension (Standing)
Set 1 : 75x20
Set 2 : 75x20
Set 3 : 75x15
Set 4 : 75x15

Dumbbell Tricep Kickback
Set 1 : 35x15
Set 2 : 35x15
Set 3 : 35x15
Set 4 : 35x15

Cable Rope Triceps Pushdown
Set 1 : 50x15
Set 2 : 50x15
Set 3 : 50x15
Set 4 : 50x15

Barbell Up Right Row
Set 1 : 95x15
Set 2 : 115x15
Set 3 : 135x10
Set 4 : 135x10

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