Calgary Remembers its Victims of Lockdown Measures March 13, 2021

3 years ago

Since 2020 the City of Calgary, like many other cities in the western world has been on lockdown or restriction. Ensuring that it's federal government amasses a debt to be paid by its citizens at some yet unannounced date. However, dwarfing the financial fiasco that looms on the horizon is the debt toll of human loss that can never be repaid. Months of life's moments, many for those whose life are near end. Children's social development, now stunted by the government's vision of a new normal likely for life. The mentally-ill and emotionally deprived succumbing to the alluring release of suicide from these homes converted into cells by the elected elite. Perhaps worst of all; leaving the old, who have invested their lives into building this society we collectively loved so much with the gratitude of a cold & isolated death. Effectively spitting in the face of the so-called "greatest generation" for their miraculous achievements as a thank you for a job well done. How fitting that those who fought to defend western world freedoms should be buried alongside them. For these loses to c*v!d-@larmism we stood to honour thee.

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