Let's Put It to Rest March 20, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Let's Put It to Rest March 20, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

The very words-- "Public School"--- have different meanings --- in Britain, "Public School" means "private school". Harrow is a Public School. Eton is a Public School --- in Britain.

Here, the words "Public School" have by a process of usurpation come to mean "District School" or "Federal School" --- anything and everything but what Americans expect when they hear the words "Public School".

These omissions and differences result in semantic deceits and obfuscations that are easily turned to political uses.

Here's a great example. We have taught you some basic English Grammar, which includes the Definite Article as the Proper Name of unique Things, as in The United States of America, which is the Proper Name of this country in international jurisdiction.

Whenever you see "the" United States of America, you are looking at something entirely different --- the British Territorial Government, which operates via the exercise of our Delegated Powers conveyed by The Constitution of the United States of America.

Look closely. See "the" -- not "The"--- in The Constitution of the United States of America? The reference is to the British Territorial entity operating under our explicitly Delegated Powers.

Now, finally knowing this Flying Factoid, it becomes possible for people to rightly interpret which "United States of America" is being discussed at any given time, as in this excerpt from a historian blog, in which "Anonymous" was blaming the Americans for making "whiteness" a requirement for people to be Naturalized, ------but was in fact unwittingly demonstrating that the Offender wasn't the American Government at all. It was the British Territorial Government that made "whiteness" a requirement --- read the words, notice the Definite Article:

United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790):

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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