Top 7 facts about vision and How Eyesight works

3 years ago

Hello everybody. My name is Sviatoslav and in this video I would like to talk about 7 facts of our vision
Fact 1. How many colors and shades our eyes can see
It is known that the human eye is able to distinguish only three areas of
the spectrum of sunlight - red, blue and green. Moreover, we know
seven primary colors of the rainbow. The gray color, it would seem, is not for them
applies. However, it is known that our eyes are able to distinguish 500 (!)
shades of gray. And in total, an ordinary person is able to distinguish several thousand shades of various colors, and the artist's eyes are several million.
Just try to count all the shades of green in your summer garden. At the same time, residents of the Far North, can distinguish hundreds of shades of white – colors snow.
All this is possible thanks to a tiny portion of our retina -
macula and fovea cells .
2 fact. Does eye size change over the years?
From birth, our eyes remain the same size. We grow, our
limbs, our nose and ears, and our eyes always remain the same - 2.5
centimeters in diameter and 8 grams in weight.
Moreover, only 1/6 of the eye is visible. And only on this visible part
relatively safe medical exposure.
Even doctors at their international congresses admit that
the negative impacts identified so far are widespread
a common operation - laser lens replacement.
Partly for this reason, many countries began to move away from correction
vision with an excimer laser. And for extreme people
professions in a number of countries have developed a questionnaire, which includes a question on laser vision correction.
3 fact. How many objects do we see per second?
The eyes transmit a huge amount of information to the brain every hour.
The eye bandwidth is comparable to that of a large city's ISP.
In this case, the images that are sent to our brain arrive in
inverted, and the perception of them in their normal form requires us
additional mental effort. Considering that open eyes focus on about 50
objects of the outside world per second, and for life we see about 24
million different images, it is not difficult to understand why the eyes
load the brain with work much more than all other organs of our

Fact 4. How many unique properties does the iris have?
We know that there are no two people on our planet with the same
fingerprints. Each person has 40 unique
characteristics. A much smaller iris area, has 256 unique properties. That's why eye scans are more widely used by security systems to identify people.
5 fact. Can you tell by the eyes madness?
It turns out that schizophrenia can be determined with an accuracy of 98.3% with
using a routine eye movement test. Is it any wonder that there is such a science as iridology, thanks to which an experienced specialist can identify all diseases,
injuries and pathologies that were, are and are still only maturing in our
organism and psyche. And knowing all of this, how we can think that the problems arising in the eyes, able to cure such a narrow specialist as an ophthalmologist?
Complex approach for restoration of vision - true, reliable and giving
long-term effect.
Fact number 6. Is love reflected in your eyes?
Few people know that the pupils of the eyes dilate by 45% when we
we look at the one we love. Maybe that's why faces of lovers are so beautiful.
And it is no coincidence that the standard of beauty among all peoples is considered women with babies in their arms.
Fact number 7. The eyes are the organ of light
Each eye contains 130 million cells, all of which are sensitive to light. Hence the expression “eyes are an organ of light”.
However, cells that respond to color and light take up only a small
area in the central part of the retina. The very same square
the retina corresponds to the size of the back of the eyeball. Let me remind you that the cells of the retina tissue are similar in structure to
neurons of the brain. It is not a coincidence that peoples says that the eyes are the brain,
brought out. From this fact alone, it is clear that retina is so difficult, how can its treatment be possible, restoration, replacement with any materials, devices or
donor organs?
The retinal nerve tissue is so thin and complex in its structure
and functioning, that it is impossible to replace it with anything. It can only be
protect and only natural and specially developed for it methods to stimulate, But this is not all the mystery of the retina, which is a kind a screen for incoming images. Through nerve tissue the retina of the eye can not only receive light, but also emit it.
Fact number 8 How often do we blink?
There is an expression: "did not have time to blink an eye." And not everyone imagines how much of an exaggeration this is.
The muscle responsible for blinking, as well as the rest of the muscles of the eye,
is the fastest muscle in our body. Blinking lasts about 100-150 milliseconds, that is, we can blink an average of 5 times per sec.
By the way, not everyone knows that the blinking process is the most important for
full functioning of our eyes. Thanks to the blinking
they are protected, cleaned, lubricated, moisturized, cleansed.
But most importantly, blinking is the simplest and most effective rest.
for our eternal visual workers.
That is why the state of unblinking frozen gaze is so dangerous,
when we are immersed in our experiences, when we watch TV and sit
behind the monitor.
The phenomenon of dry eye occurs, oddly enough, and with frequent
instilling special medications into the eyes. Production
natural lubrication in such cases is disrupted and the cornea dries up. The blinking function can be lost after any
surgical intervention. Then burning, redness, pain in the eyes
can become your constant companions.
blinking - is the most important process for
full functioning of our eyes, the most harmless, the simplest, and one of the most important exercise. The easiest way to learn to blink is look one way and blink, look the other way and blink. And you also need to set your brain so that after each blink you see better, blink with relaxation and you see clearly. How to blink softly and correctly? Bring your fingers to the weights on your head and blink, and if some muscles or veins move under your fingers at the same time, then you are blinking incorrectly. Relax your eyelids as much as you can and blink so that no muscles in your eyelids move.
Thanks for watching this video to the very end. I hope it will help you and hopefully see you again.

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