3 years ago

Trump is building his own social media platform.

Trump's senior advisor Jason Miller told Fox News: “I do think we’re going to see President Trump returning to social media and probably about two or three months here with his own platform."

Any guesses on what the platform will be called?

💸 Biden admin is paying $86.9 million for hotel rooms to house illegal alien families
✅ FBI Director: Atlanta shooting 'does not appear' racially motivated
💬 Politico [liberal news outlet] on Ron DeSantis covid response: 'He was right.'
⬅️ Liberal host Bill Maher: U.S. 'entering an era of re-segregation that’s coming from the left'


The Biden administration has lost control of our southern border, as thousands of illegal immigrants flow into our country daily. And the problem has gotten so bad that even his leftist allies in the press have turned on him.


Top Biden administration officials met with their Chinese counterparts in Anchorage, Alaska on Friday to set the groundwork for how the two will work together over the next four years. But what was meant to be a warm introduction ended up as a bitter cold encounter.

🚸 Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley have begun to process and release illegal border crossers who claim asylum without issuing a Notice to Appear - allowing them to depart custody without scheduling a court date for a hearing. [Fox News]

🏀 The entire Georgetown basketball team took a knee before their NCAA Tournament game against Colorado, then proceeded to get blown out by 23 points. [Daily Caller]

⛓ The razor-wire fencing that has surrounded the U.S. Capitol for 73 days was finally taken down this weekend after Capitol police staff found "there does not exist a known, credible threat... that warrants the temporary security fencing." [Newsweek]

✈️ Sen. Chuck Schumer personally pleaded with JetBlue’s boss not to shrink the budget airline’s Big Apple workforce as it weighs shipping jobs to Florida. [Fox Business]

💾 The Biden administration is preparing a series of aggressive cyberattacks on Russia in retaliation to the SolarWinds hack, the large-scale infiltration of American government agencies and corporations discovered late last year. [The Telegraph] Why are we telling Russia in advance that we're doing this?

🚨 An armed illegal immigrant wanted on 11 felony counts including child rape, was killed in Arlington, Texas, this week after pointing a gun at police during a traffic stop. [Fox News]

🎥 On Friday President Biden fell three times while trying to walk up the stairs to Air Force One.

🎥 Beautiful: Police in Texas pray with a homeless woman living in her car

🎥 ABC News on Biden’s border crisis: No “preparation,” “he owns this,” “tone-deaf,” “doesn’t have a plan.”

🎥 See why this idiot got kicked out of a shooting range.

📜 Former President Trump released a statement yesterday on the current border crisis: 'Our country is being destroyed!'

#MagaFirstNews a Part of with Peter Boykin 3/22/21

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