Why Does Anything Exist? - Part I - AlwaysAsking.com

3 years ago

Why does anything exist? Why is there something rather than nothing? Wouldn’t nothing have been so much easier?

Every society in every time has wrestled with this dilemma. It’s our most enduring question. For we all seek to know: why we are here?

In this episode we will review the latest answers and use the best available evidence in an attempt to settle this ageless question. With an answer to this question we can orientate ourselves in reality, and understand the reason behind it all.

An answer to this question would tell us not only why we exist, but also what else exists, both within the universe we see and beyond.

Beginning: 00:00
Episode start: 00:25
Two Paths to Existence: 04:42
Something From Nothing?: 06:04
Defining Nothing: 07:16
Kinds of Nothing: 09:30
Rules for Nothing: 11:02
The Trouble with Nothing: 12:30
Properties of Nothing: 13:20
Properties of Zero: 15:18
An Explosion of Entities: 17:55
A True Nothing: 21:18
Unsculpted Marble: 23:24
An Unsent E-mail: 24:51
The Library of Babel: 26:02
Everything From Nothing?: 32:59
Less Information, More Reality: 33:39
Necessary Existence: 39:50
A Self-Existent Thing?: 42:22
Existing without Cause: 44:18
First Cause: 45:51
Infinite Regression: 47:00
Causal Loop: 49:29
The Nature of Uncaused Things: 53:24
Candidates for Self-Existence: 55:53
Logic: 56:51
Truth: 1:00:53
Numbers: 1:05:08
Possibility: 1:10:38
The Universe: 1:16:24
A Higher Plane: 1:22:32
Consciousness: 1:25:32
Reviewing Answers: 1:30:58
Abstract Entities: 1:31:30
Possibility and Consistency: 1:32:40
The Physical: 1:33:46
Higher Planes: 1:34:43
The Mental: 1:36:04
A Causeless Cause: 1:36:44
Three Modes of Existence: 1:38:18
Math, Matter, Mind: 1:40:15
Materialism: 1:41:36
Idealism: 1:43:19
Platonism: 1:45:24
What Came First?: 1:47:14
Are They One?: 1:48:46
Mind and Matter as One?: 1:48:57
Math and Matter as One?: 1:50:24
All as One?: 1:52:19
A Path to Reality: 01:53:07
20th Century Mathematics: 114:35

See Part 2: https://youtu.be/lYCul43JSxo

Other formats:
Podcast: https://podcast.alwaysasking.com/
Article: https://alwaysasking.com/why-does-anything-exist/
eBook: https://alwaysasking.com/member-content/

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