The Problem with "God"

4 years ago

Most believers are stuck on defending their faith in [God] without stopping to consider whether the term [God] is correct to use for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` as a translation for the Hebrew term [’elohíym]. This video clearly and entertainingly explains what the term [God] really means, so even children can easily understand it. People who know they shouldn’t trust the authorities of this world and their establishment have far too much trust in the translations of scriptures approved by that very same establishment. Free your mind, believe in the Truth, and find out how to be pleasing in His sight!
Firstfruits' Purer Scriptures - FPS *FREE* Download link▼
About this channel: We do not promote violence or hate speech/messages against any religion, race, or any established organization(s) of this world. Our spiritual warfare is not against flesh and blood. Our aim is to: Awaken His chosen people from deep sleep to help them realize they need to change their mind, and come out of confusion.

Choose Life: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`!

In order to grow spiritually and not remain spiritually stagnant, one must embrace what is True and have no fear of those enforcing the Lie. Every lie is from the father of the lies, sâţâ´n, and he has sent forth his preachers of lies way before we arrived, who have jaded listeners to not listen to us.
For more information about the Truth, please visit us at
- your brothers in ► Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`
♫Music Provided by: credited in the end scroll
The Editing Team: The Way14k Productions™
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The Way144K Productions™
The Way of Yahweh Yahuwshua

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