'Holy Bible' is NOT HIs Word! Deambered- Decoded

3 years ago

When you ask many Christians: What is His Word or what is the Word? They will likely answer: "the bible". Is this the Truth? Have they been deceived? Watch this video and find out!

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The Pure Glad Tidings According to Luwqá’
Chapter 9

The little One shall be the Greatest
46. Within, pertaining to that one (f.), with the one (f.) [~fiery néphesh (f.) emanations of sâţâ´n] during the hour, they approached the ones [being] the pupils belonging to the One, to Yâhuwshúa`, ones saying:
“Who then greater is within, pertaining to the one (f.) [being] the royalty (f.) of the ones of the heavens [~heavens = affixed-affirmation “firmament” = (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]?” [MattithYâ´huw 18:1]
But entered a dispute within pertaining to the same ones, the one (n.) [being], whoever might he be, the greater of the same ones?
And He came unto Kâphâ´rnachúwm (Kapernaoúm), and being in the house, He asked them:
“What were ye discussing among yourselves on the way?”
But they were silent, for they had been discussing on the way with one another, which is greater among them. [Márquwç 9: 33-34]
47. But He Who [is] Yâhuwshúa`, having seen the one [being] the dispute of the one (f.) [~competing against the little One] [being] of the heart (f.) of the same ones, And sitting down, He called the twelve, and says to them:
“If anyone desires to be foremost, he shall be last of all and attendant of all.” [Márquwç 9: 35]
And He Who [is] Yâhuwshúa`, having called towards Himself a child [Glad Tidings of the Truth] [MattithYâ´huw 18:2], and having obtained in addition a child, He stood the same one within, pertaining to the middle of the same ones, and having embraced the same one [Márquwç 9: 36] beside Himself,
48. And He said to the same ones,
“’Âmë´n (For certain) I dictate to you (pl.), if ever ye might not be turned so ye come to exist as the ones [being] the children, in no wise might ye enter in unto the one [being] the royalty of the ones of the heavens [~affixed-affirmation (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]! [MattithYâ´huw 18:3] Therefore, whosoever will humble himself as the one [being] this child, this one who exists [is] He Who [is] greater within, belonging to the one (f.) [being] the royalty of the ones of the heavens [~affixed-affirmation (the Testimony) (1 Moshéh 1:6-8)]; And [MattithYâ´huw 18:4] who if ever might accept, this one, the one [being] a child on pertaining to the One [being] with the name of Me, Me he accepts, and who if ever Me might accept, not [just] Me he accepts, [Márquwç 9: 37] moreover he accepts the One having sent out Me, because He Who [is] smallest within, belonging to all the ones of you, this One making a beginning below one who shall exist, [is] great.” [~little One emanation]

May Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` grant you His favor to see and understand.
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