Arizona Audit -Stay Informed & Push- Is AZ scanning Irregular Ballots? Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

3 years ago

This video covers the many questions the People have - questions that are not being answered. It is a review of the AZ Senate's failure to secure our ballots, decision to allow the Board of Supervisors to unlawfully maintain custody, the shredded ballots, the Irregular Ballots issue (which must be addressed ASAP - does the senate plan to scan ALL irregular and/or adjudicated ballots?), the lack of communication by the Senate regarding the audit, and the personal bias held by the Senate against Jovan Hutton Pulitzer **It sounds like Arizona has changed its mind on Jovan but nothing official has been announced yet

Video on Why Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is crucial to the AZ Audit:

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Video on the important of having Jovan included in AZ audit:
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