Could Invasive Fungal Infections (IFIs) be behind the deaths of people with Coronavirus / COVID-19?

3 years ago

This is a video I created on February 18,2020 early when the SARS-COV-2 cases were being reported from China. I was curious to know if there is any sort of relationship between Invasive Fungal Infections such as invasive candida, and the reported deaths due to COVID-19.

More and more current research is coming out of the significantly higher incidences of invasive candida in the patients that are proclaimed deceased due to COVID-19.

Could Invasive Candidiasis be the culprit behind the deaths of so many people infected with COVID-19in Wuhan, China?

With 50% HIV patients dying from invasive fungal infections worldwide, it begs to question whether invasive candida is behind the coronavirus deaths in China and around the world.

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