Pastor Homer Evins Jr March 21 2021 - Tainted Love II

3 years ago

Pastor Homer Evins Jr March 21 2021 - Tainted Love II

Bible Teaching from God's Word:
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How Do I Show Tainted Love?
(John 14:24)
'He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me.'

I. By Forgetting Who We Are (Joshua 1:8)
• Good Morning!! I am so glad that you are here with us this morning!!
• We are continuing to look into the effects of “Tainted Love!”
• This is one of the areas that lead to us going down this path that leads to it. Listen to this Command that God gives us. (Read Duet. 6:4-9 & Joshua 1-8).
• Now this is something very vital and meaningful. But unfortunately this is a command that many times we do not follow to the full measure.
• (Expound) upon why this is important.

II. By Committing & Submitting to Our Will (sIn- Romans 1:18-32)
• As we continue to look into our text this morning, we see that God is not pulling any punches!!
• See the reason that this is important is because it depends upon how we are looking at things!
• We see that Jesus is telling us that the reason that we are not in the relationship that we need to be in!
• Let’s hear what the Apostle Paul has to say about us! (Read Romans 1:18-32)
• Wow!! This is a truly serious matter! This is not something that we can just skirt/skate around!
• These are some serious charges! See that the thing about this is the fact that we are having look ourselves in the mirror
• Do you like what you see? See there is not one person on this earth that can look on this list and say that they are not represented.
• Listen to (James 1:21-27)! James is doing this once again! He is dragging us to the middle of the street and punching us in the face!
• And he is also showing us what we look like and who we are!!
• Listen to these words that the Lord has to say in (Jeremiah 17:5-10)!
• God is calling for us to find our hope in Him!! He is wanting for us to look to Him, and find our worth in Him.
III. So, How Do We Change This? (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
• So, what is the remedy So what is the answer?
• We know that the answer is Now and Has Always Been Jesus!
• Choose Jesus Today!!

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