Rebel TV E12 The Constitution: a Violation of Contract 11/27/20

3 years ago

The Constitution is a compact between “we the people” and the government, specifically the federal government. It is a contract. Each side has obligations. If one side violates the terms of the contract there is supposed to be a way to hold them accountable. For us, the people, the first amendment to the constitution called this the redress of grievances for which the Federal courts, including the Supreme Court, are supposed to hear and adjudicate according to section three of the constitution. Not only does this apply to legislative action but to violations of our rights perpetrated by individuals in government, elected and unelected.
This right, perhaps one of the most crucial, has for all intents and purposes, has disappeared. With few exceptions, government officials enjoy sovereign immunity. In other words, governments and their minions can act with impunity and not be held liable for their actions. Without redress, without accountability, what do our rulers have to fear? So what if Governor Cuomo's policy kills thousands of nursing home patients. So what if the FBI director instigates a coup? So what if elected officials sell their influence to enrich themselves and their families. So what if politicians and officials lie and cheat and steal? No one goes to jail, no one is held accountable even under Trump. We have no ability to influence that process, we have no where to turn within our government for redress, where we will get a fair hearing, where the rules and law will be followed. I've experienced this first hand on a minor level. I've been to courts where what the law says means nothing, where it can be ignored or applied only with the aim of punishing those who dare question the ability of the government to do as it pleases.
When the people are denied any meaningful avenue for addressing their grievances, when our cries for justice fall on deaf ears, when there is no legal remedy for oppression and tyranny, when our rulers act with impunity and without fear, what defense remains for us? The contract has been broken therefore we are no longer bound by any of the actions of the party in violation of the contract. We owe our government neither our loyalty or support. We need to stop giving it either. Their proclamations must be ignored, their demands for our property must be resisted. It is time to stop cooperating with our enslavement and paying for our chains.

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