The Truth About $15 Per Hour, 3549

3 years ago

Good Sunday morning, I’m still reporting on those wascally Demoquaats.
The Democrats are determined to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and with majorities in the House and Senate and with the support of the White House they may finally be able to figure out a way to do it.
In the rhetoric of liberals, it simply means that people who now make less than $15 an hour will be paid more, thus have more money to spend and it will boost the economy. It’s all so simple.
However, the truth of the $15 minimum wage hike was revealed recently in Los Angeles - not known as a hot bed of conservatism. The City of Los Angeles recently passed a $5 an hour “hero pay” hike for employees who have had to work throughout the pandemic with the public, like grocery store and pharmacy employees.
The result of the hero pay is that a bunch of heroes are now out of work because three grocery stores owned by Kroger closed their doors rather than pay the additional $5 per hour to employees.

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