Germans Leaving Churches: Lying Wonders to Bring them Back?

3 years ago

A survey released March 11, 2021 found that a third of Roman Catholics and about a quarter of Protestants in Germany are considering leaving their churches. A major factor for the Roman Catholics is the pedophile and other sex scandals of its clergy. For some of them, as well as Protestants, the German church tax seems to be a factor. Roman Catholic private prophecy tells of a humiliating time to hit that church which will lead to the rise of the Great Monarch. Which according to Eastern Orthodox scholar Dr. Otto is a time of "very impious priests." The Bible warns of a time when those who do not have "the love of the truth" will be deceived by signs and lying wonders." That deception is prophesied to bring Europeans back to a church likely to be led by an antipope (Antichrist). Do you believe the Bible? Do you have enough of the love of the truth to not be deceived by what is coming. Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and offers two free books.

Free books offered were:

"Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church" URL:

"Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism" URL:

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