Vicki Stardust interview with Jerry Marzinsky - Where do negative thougts come from?

3 years ago

The first moments of this interview are in Greek, but hang in there, it goes to English shortly.

Schizophrenia (the voices) – Demons exist

Jerry Marzinsky speaks about his journey in discovering what the voices are and how he fought to keep his "programmed" belief system in tact while all around him there was evidence to the contrary that was blowing his mind. Finally, Jerry had no choice but to concede that the voices which plagued his patients were separate beings that were conscious: entities of the darkest kind.

Jerry Marzinsky points out clearly how he discovered that the Universities in the U.S. are misleading students, teaching them wrongly that mental health - specifically hearing voices – are hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and how their only answer to this is to prescribe anti-psychotic drugs. After two years in the Ph.D. program, Jerry left and sought his own way of helping people who suffered with this condition. Listeners are urged to see​ and scroll down to “CHEMICAL IMBALANCE MYTH” to read the data. This data gives proof that big pharma is marketing drugs with absolutely no indication that a chemical imbalance exists. It's all about profits, and has nothing to do with helping people.

This interview reveals some of the bizarre things that go on inside the psychotic mind. It's a place few will go and yet, according to the World Health Organization, paranoid schizophrenia is among the top ten illnesses that contribute to the global burden of disease.

Jerry Marzinsky is a Licensed Professional Counselor. He has a Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling; a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and 35-years of experience on the front lines in mental hospitals, hospital emergency rooms, and prisons.

This interview was a gem...A two hour marathon, but although it will take me some time to subtitle perfectly, it will be one of the best if not THE best video-interview I've done (considering I've already done about 650 videos on both my channels over the years. Soon this interview will be translated into Greek for my home audience. This version is made public for Brits, Canadians, Americans, South Africans and all other English speaking people who don't need to watch the same video with the Greek subtitles. Original source:​


Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed.— Jerry is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the nation. He has held the positions of 2nd Lt. Arizona Civil Air Patrol and Assistant Scout Master. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. He is the co-author of An Amazing Journey Into The Psychotic Mind - Breaking The Spell Of the Ivory Tower.

✅ Visit Jerry's website
✅ Read Jerry and Sherry's book​
✅ Learn about Sherry's "That's a Lie" program​
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