PLANET X in View #16

4 years ago

PLANET X in View #16. Observations and information regarding the subject of Planet X, or The Nemesis System.

MUSIC CREDITS - acknowledgements
Music from - "Monkeys Spinning Monkeys" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (
Big thanks to Kevin Macleod for making his delightfully light-hearted music available for use via Creative Commons License
Tuudur Tamme - Piano Works - “Unelm”
Tuudur Tamme - Piano Works - “Another Beautiful Piano Song”
Special thanks to Tuudur Tamme for generous permission to use music from his 'Piano Works' album (you can get it at
“Leaf” - copyright free music - Leaf KV
“Weightless” - copyright free music
MYUU - “Reversion” - Appreciation to MYUU for permission to use music from his channel on youtube.
Rafael Lambert - Anton Ishutin Remix - 'The Way we Are' - promotional sample
Holley Hydrogen3 - “Reverie Metier 1st Movement” -Special appreciation to Holley-Hydrogen3 for generous permission to use music from her great piano compositions.
Barry de Vorzon - 'V The Final Battle' theme from movie 'V' License: CC BY (
Alan Hawkshaw - 'Cosmos' - from CD soundtrack published with book 'The Venus Legacy' by Shane O'Brien
Alan Hawkshaw - 'Nemesis of the Agean' - from CD soundtrack published with book 'The Venus Legacy' by Shane O'Brien

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