3 years ago

Get Roomba Here :

Roomba is a compact, computerized vacuum cleaner that automatically guides itself around your home.
Like a conventional cleaner, it picks up dirt with spinning brushes and a vacuum. There's a side-mounted, flailing brush that pushes dirt underneath the machine and, once there, two more counter-rotating brushes (turning in opposite directions) pick up the dirt and direct it toward the powerful vacuum, which sucks it away into a little storage bin. Unlike a normal cleaner, Roomba moves itself around your room with two large tractor-style wheels, each one independently driven by a separate electric motor. The wheels can turn in opposite directions, which means Roomba can literally "spin on a dime" and clean almost any space it can drive into.
Power comes from an onboard NiMH rechargeable battery pack. Virtually all of Roomba's features have been designed to use as little power as possible so it can work for quite a long time (maybe 90 minutes if you're lucky) between charges. Roomba has numerous onboard sensors to detect dirt, dodge obstacles, and steer clear of things like tassels on rugs and telephone cords that could cause it problems. When it's finished, it nips back into its "docking" station and recharges itself for next time. You could almost say it has a mind of its own!

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