♪ Carman Licciardello - The Courtroom (w. Lyrics)

3 years ago

Carman Licciardello - The Courtroom


if tonight you stood in Heaven’s Court
to seek eternal favor
would you face JESUS CHRIST as JUDGE
or would you face HIM as your SAVIOR?
there are many who don’t quite know for sure
what that verdict would be, ever

so let’s imagine for a moment
you’re standing dead center
in the Courtroom of Forever

sitting before you is a structure
massive and intense
it’s here your fate will be determined
before this JUDGE’s bench
then a Voice booms:
"this Court’s now in session", and your adrenaline starts to rush
peering down with eyes that see through your soul
is GOD the FATHER, your JUDGE

then off to your left across the room
is the virtual silhouette of sin
stepping out of the shadows of condemnation
your worst nightmare walks in
on his face is the smirk of evil incarnate
his mind fixed on your destruction in hell
you’ve just been introduced to your prosecuting attorney
none other than satan himself

the Bible says he’s the accuser of the brethren
so guess what he’s gonna do
he’s gonna accuse you of your sins, and he knows them all
both the old ones and the new
he’s prepared his case for years
now the golden moment is his
so in arrogance he presents his case to the JUDGE
and it comes out sounding something like this

"GOD, you see this worthless piece of trash over here!
this one’s a sinner to the core!
this one’s committed adultery, cursed his neighbors, stolen money
been into drugs, alcohol, and even more!
this hopeless wretch has even slandered friends!
and by that guilty face, this whole courtroom can tell
that through a more than certainty,
and beyond any reasonable doubt,
this one deserves eternal judgement in hell!"

the words of accusation still echo
your every sin thrown up in your face
then GOD opens the book
where every deed is recorded
and reviews your records of disgrace
GOD says "the book says you did this, this, and this
and everything you were accused of today.
Now before I sentence you to hell forever,
are there any last words you have to say?"

now if it’s true you’re standing there
in the Courtroom of Eternity
with GOD to your front, and satan the prosecutor to your left
there’s one remaining eternal Truth
one that’s crucial to remember
one you should never, ever, ever forget

then, on the other side of the Courtroom
I said, on the other side of the Courtroom
you ain’t hearing me tonight
I said, on the other side of the Courtroom

is the One and Only SON of GOD
revealed in time and space
WHO has never lost a case
it’s not Buddha, Muhammad, or Krishna
or any others who succumb to death
ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of the Courtroom
is JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth!

then JESUS jumps up, says:
"wait a minute, JUDGE! now I’ve got something to say!
May I remind YOU that on a cross 2000 years ago, I washed his sins away!
I was crucified, I died, they put ME in a tomb
but long about the midnight hour
the power of GOD hit ME and I walked out of that grave,
alive and well with Resurrection Power!"

then the devil says:
"it’s in the book!
it’s written in the book!
check the book!"

GOD said:
then HE takes the Book out, lays it open and says:
"now WE’ll see what this book has to say"

HE turns to the first page
the second page
the third
by the fourth, the devil seemed shook

GOD closes it, says:
"the BLOOD of JESUS must have worked
cause there’s absolutely nothing in this book"

the devil says:
"now wait a minute, check that book again!
all his sins are written down
they’re all right there!

GOD said:
"devil, maybe you’re mistaken altogether
maybe it’s this other book down here?"

the devil cries:
"no! not that book! not that one!"

GOD said:
"devil, why you so uptight?"

GOD sets the book down
the dust flies
and on the cover it says:
“the LAMB’s Book of Life!”

is your name in that Book?
is your name in that Book?
is your name in that Book
for sure?

if you’ve been forgiven
and your name is written
then lift your hands (lift your hands)
praise the LORD (praise the LORD)

yes, my name’s in that Book (my name’s in that Book)
my name is in that Book (my name’s in that Book)
my name is in that Book (my name’s in that Book)
tonight (tonight)

I’ve been forgiven
and I know my name is written
in the LAMB’s (in the LAMB’s)
Book of Life (Book of Life)

and HE’s strong, mighty to save us

my name is written (in the LAMB’s)
in the LAMB’S
Book of Life (Book of Life)

This court is adjourned

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