Can we cure Blindness?

3 years ago

Can we cure Blindness?

A survey conducted in the United stated once stated that more Americans fear vision loss than serious medical problems such as cancer and heart stroke[. Its not all surprising, Many of us who wear glasses find it difficult just to not have them on for a few hours let alone having to do multiple tasks without them. But luckily for us, technology did bring us glasses to correct our eyesight, but can it go one step further and allow those who are completely blind to see? Can technology replicate the visual process in the eye?

[*] The institution count is based on the time of the article (in reference [6])


Video clips from : StoryBlocks, "Blind Hope Documentary", Second Sight
Eye illustration : Smart Servier Medical art (
Icons from: Freepik,


[1] World Health Organization, “Global Data on Visual Impairment 2010 Report”

*This number is based on a 2010 estimate

[2] “How eyes work” National Eye Institute.

[3] Health Quality Ontario, “Retinal Prosthesis System for Advanced Retinitis Pigmentosa: A Health Technology Assessment Update”

[4] Russ Jaskalian, Technology Review “A new implant for blind people jacks directly into the brain”

[5] Sheila Nirenberg and Chethan Pandarinath, “Retinal prosthetic strategy with the capacity to restore normal vision”

[6] Alice Brandli et al, “Progress in the clinical development and utilization of vision prostheses: an update”

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