Secession From What? March 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Secession From What? March 19, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

There is a lot of talk about “secession” yet nobody spouting off about this topic understands what they are even referring to.

It’s like someone waving around a loaf of “Wonder Bread” as a weapon, and taking it seriously, too. The spectacle may be droll, but hardly reassuring.

The only “secession” most Americans are familiar with is that famous one associated with the so-called American Civil War, in which the Southern State of State organizations “seceded” from participating in the original Confederation.

As already reviewed, the members of the original Confederation formed in 1781 were all American State-of-State organizations like The State of New York and The State of North Carolina, which were in fact business organizations tasked with conducting international and commercial business for the States.

They were all “Confederate States” — not actual States at all.

If you go back and look at the induction process paperwork you will quickly discover that the men who fought in this “war” were mustered out by these business organizations—- such as The State of New York, not New York, and The State of North Carolina, not North Carolina.

It was not a war — it was a “mercenary conflict” — like Vietnam, right from the start.

Given that background and now knowing that it was not a “war between the States” but was instead a “war between the Confederate States” both North and South, we are prepared to see this history in its correct perspective and ask—- what were they fighting about and what does “secession” mean?

Put bluntly, it means that the Southern State of State organizations chose to “opt out” of a Trade Organization that had become oppressive and contrary to their best interests.

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