The Republic is Dead

4 years ago

Last week while in DC Steve Bannon and I went toe-to-toe about the state of our Republic, Trumpism & medical tyranny. I have become incredibly wary of the establishment GOP after they threw Trump under the bus on 1/6, sat by as he was silenced by Big Tech, and allowed a fraudulent regime to be installed in our White House. Millions of Americans are angry and feel betrayed by what the GOP allowed to happen. I loved Trump more than anyone — what he stood for, how he fought for our values, stood up to China and put America First in trade, manufacturing, taxes & immigration. But I can not comprehend how Trump — the same guy who WARNED us about the threat of China for 30 years — allowed a China compromised puppet to be installed as the leader of the free world. NOTHING happening in the White House right now is legitimate. Please watch and let me know your thoughts.

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