Titan - A New Race?

3 years ago

Today's top astronomers, Harvard professors, Pentagon, Fox News, Military Personnel, Presidents, and the like have increasingly spoke on the UFO Phenomenon as sightings all over the world increase. 

The Bible tells us there will be a strong Delusion in the last days, when the AntiChrist figure begins to rise (2 Thessalonians 2). Could this delusion or deception involve aliens, and what does the Bible say about Aliens?




It seems the Coronavirus was a controlled release by the Globalist Elite Luciferians in order to help birth the One World Order of the AntiChrist (Rev 13) and institute international Martial Law and FEMA Detainment Centers.



The Bible tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but what does that really mean? What are demonic spirits, and what are Fallen Angels? This post attempts to fill in some gaps concerning the very real spiritual war we are in and how Lucifer wars against us:



Printable version of my left behind letter:

Here is a link to a printable PDF flyer on the Mark of the Beast, which is most likely the RFID microchip implant.


Final Moments!!

Printable Google Documents

Rapture is soon!!
- 1 Corinthians 15:52
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16
- Revelations 3:10

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