One good man and a disgrace

3 years ago

A video of President Trump and just a few supporting post that FB loved to ban out of over 100 I tried to get out.


The courts are refusing to adjudicate anything related to our rights as a nation in our best interest under the very constitution for the last 2 months that they are shredding.
Our new F - - d u - ent Government are again focused on gun control very badly and have embarrassingly fenced themselves in our very capital out of fear we the people may invoke our rights before they can figure a way to remove this tool from us.
The 2nd amendment...
It is, in fact, not only our right to invoke legally but our obligation as citizens of United States and patriots per the Declaration of Independence to determine our own fate and pursuit of happiness.
It is our right to expect reasonable safety. It is our right to protect the republic and to protect the Constitution of these United States and its Amendments.
Second Amendment, amendment to the Constitution of the United States, adopted in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights, that provided a constitutional check on congressional power under Article I Section 8 to organize, arm, and discipline the federal government if it become tyrannical.

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