Need for adrenaline - Jumps in the city - Freerun/ Parkour/ Tricking

3 years ago

There is a small, but quite united Freerun/Parkour/Tricking community in the capital of Ireland – Dublin, where the agile athletes really love wandering around the city, seeking for different spots in order to [A] escape the boredom and the monotony, due to the current situation (pandemic) that is going on at the moment around the world, [B] to get to do things that help the adrenaline to climb at a dramatic rate and [C] to simply keep themselves in a good physical and mental shape. The way that these jumpers would normally describe what it feels like, being in the air, when flipping, practicing Freerun/Parkour/Tricking would be: “Being up in the air, having that air-awareness mastered… It simply feels like setting our souls free.” This, at first glance very chaotic sport, is in fact like an outlet, a vent. A really good way of getting rid of bad thoughts, negativism and any sort of anxiety that one might have, or most likely has as pretty much everyone on this earth would have something on his mind that troubles him. These activities in fact make the athletes much happier and much more united and friendly, having a positive outlook towards all sort of things in life. Though being a Freerun/Parkour/Tricking athlete comes at a cost – it is a bit hard on one’s body as there is a lot of impact involved when landing these jumps or flips. So one has to constantly try and maintain a clean technique when doing these jumps or flips. That means one has to have the ability to take off in a more efficient way, tuck/rotate/twist/spin as quickly as possible, in order for the athlete to have enough time to spot the ground so he could stop rotating and land softly, without injuring himself. There is a lot that could be said about all that, though that might be the topic for the next video. Hope you enjoy.

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