Ep141: Its not a NEWS BUFFET, It’s a NEWS FEED for a reason

3 years ago

Anatomy of a Conspiracy Theory: Its not call a NEWS BUFFET, It’s Called a NEWS FEED for a reason
It used to be a long time before anyone sorted out whether it was crazy, or can be rationally described, or proven true.

Why can we see patterns in Moby Dick but cannot see patterns in our own life history?
They scare you, they take away rights, you ask for them back and they only give you half.
We have to stop living in fear – especially from the NEWS FEED. They call it that because they are force feeding you what they want you to FEEL, NOT HEAR.

What’s happening today
Government and news are openly saying there are UFOs – took 60+ years to be proven
Probably because of Space Force. If you say there is aliens, or foreign country’s tech that is unexplainable to the common citizen, you can justify lots of money for a project.
Government said AIDS came from monkeys, just like the virus came from a bat, oh wait a pangolin, oh wait a virology lab that was funded by our own government
It was “good intentions” to prepare for a biological attack by creating bioweapons in a lab, but then in 2014 it wasn’t “good” so the US Govt moved it to China and let them do the dirtywork, while Fauci and the Govt funded the research.
Then they run simulations about the outbreak: Operation Lockstep, Event 201, Crimson Contagion, Dark Winter, etc etc.
There was also a UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy in 2011, but they and the entire world decided to follow the fake China lead, and lockdown. We know china is open for business but the world is not.
Did it look like a conspiracy in 2014 and earlier? Most would say it was a “good thing” that our government is morally upright enough to notice this kind of research is bad and to stop doing it.
Now its called a conspiracy theory that there are financial ties to the SARS-COV2 and our government.

So why would you use the most filtered down and mainstream main line IV injected so your own bodily filters cannot even sift through the toxic contaminants, version of information as the most trusted source.
Like playing telephone. Do you want to hear directly from the source or after it's been molded and washed and spun? Look at how many news organizations VERIFIED THE GA PHONE CALL.

Yes, being fact checked by both sides and whatever was left was “true” used to be the way to interpret news, but now you can’t trust the fact checkers or the political leanings of either side to deliver the truth.
The mainstream news is only telling you what they want you to need to know you need to know, to elicit the response they want. Even that idea, that psychology is so sophisticated these days that they can manipulate entire countries, is a conspiracy theory, yet Google and Facebook admit that is what they are made for.

If you research your own conspiracy facts, you're studying news that is timeless and you're picking what's important to know instead of letting the mainstream news tell you what's important to know.
Who here is kind of traded in night time opinion news for long form philosophy discussions or documentaries?

You are training yourself to think critically and be open-minded to new information compared to your previously preassigned opinions about dribble from that day that they decided was important.
Thinking for yourself is the first step. But acting on your own conclusion is the bravery we need right now if we are going to save this country.

I am going to stop here for sake of time. If you want to hear more of these leave a comment below and I Will do Part 2 of these. When you start thinking of them the list gets SOOO LOOONG.

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