Chrono testing the blizzard 98/tippmann 98 customs

3 years ago

#homedefense #mcs #blizzardkits #breakerballs #tippmann98custom

here I show a second test of the blizzard rifle launchers/tippmann 98 customs, after cleaning, greasing and lubing it's now shooting at 340ish FPS. I was still adjusting the velocity on my launcher but is shooting at 340ish FPS. maintenance, cleaning and lubing is key with these launchers, try and do maintenance at least once a week or twice a week at bare minimum and always use good CO2 cartridges, don't cheap out on CO2, it matters because I was using a valken 90gram CO2 and it wasn't working right.

I'm using the lapco bigshot .684 barrel

shooting at 340fps with 4gram breakerballs @ 22 joules

I'm getting used to editing so bare with me😂😂

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