Yeren, Almas, and Yeti: Cryptid Hominoids in Asia​

3 years ago

You’ve heard of the Yeti before, but did you know that there are dozens of distinct traditions of cryptid hominoids in Asia? From Almas to Yeren, these creatures show up in some of the world’s oldest art and literature, and are still seen today.

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Think Anomalous is created by Jason Charbonneau.

Illustration by V.R. Laurence (​)
Research by Clark Murphy.
Music by Josh Chamberland.
Animation by Brendan Barr.
Sound design by Will Mountain and Josh Chamberland.

Main Sources:

Bayanov, Dmitri. “Historical Evidence for the Existence of Relict Hominoids.” The Relict Hominoid Inquiry, 1 (2012): 23-50.

Bourtsev/Burtsev, Igor. “A Skeleton Still Buried and a Skull Unearthed: The Story of Zana.” In In the Footsteps of the Russian Snowman, Dmitri Bayanov (Crypto-Logos Publishers/CFZ, 1996/2015)

Channel 4. “Was Russian 'Bigfoot' actually an African slave?” November 1, 2013.

Czubala, Dionizjusz. “Mongolian Contemporary Legends: Field Research Report, Part Three, Legends about Almas, the Abominable Snowman.” Foaftale News, 31 (1993): 1-4.​.

Debenat, Jean-Paul. The Asian Wild Man: Yeti, Yeren & Almasty Cultural Aspects and Evidence of Reality, ebook edition. Hancock House Publishers, 2014.

Gerlach, David. “Why Jane Goodall Believes in Bigfoot (Video).” March 28, 2015.

Greshko, Michael, and Maya Wei-haas. “New species of ancient human discovered in the Philippines.”, April 10, 2019.

Koffmann, Marie-Jeanne. “L’Almasty, Yé du Caucase / The Almasty, Yeti of the Caucasus.” Archéologia / Archaeologia, no. 269 (June 1991): 24-43. Translation by Malcolm Smith.

Koffmann, Marie-Jeanne. “L’Almasty du Caucase - Mode de vie d’un humanoide.” Archéologia, no. 276 (February 1992): 52-65. English reprint: “The Almasty of the Caucasus – Life Style of a Hominoid,” The Relict Hominoid Inquiry 4 (2015): 106-123, translation by Edward Winn.

Koffmann, Marie-Jeanne. “Les Hominoides reliques de l’antiquité / Relic Humanoids in Antiquity.” Archéologia / Archaeologia, no. 307 (December 1994): 34-42.

Koffmann, Marie-Jeanne. “Relic Humanoids in Antiquity.” Archéologia / Archaeologia, no. 308 (January 1995): 57-66.

Leahy, Stephen. “Hydroelectric dam threatens to wipe out world's rarest ape,”, March 4, 2019.

Marshall, Harry. Yeti: Hunt for the Wildman. Icon Films, 2001. (“Yeti - Hunt for the Wildman.” Video file, 45:55. YouTube. Posted by Richard's Room 101, September 1, 2019.)​.

Meldrum, Jeff and Guoxing Zhou. “Footprint evidence of the Chinese Yeren.” The Relict Hominoid Inquiry, 1:57​-66, 2012.

Nickell, Joe. “Bigfoot Lookalikes: Tracking Hairy Man-Beasts.” Skeptical Inquirer. Vol. 37 No. 4, 12-15, September/October 2013.

Redfern, Nick. The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates. Detroit, MI, USA: Visible Ink Press, 2016.​.

Ruminski, Jarret. “Manmade.” The Skeptic 35, No 3., 24 - 34, September 2015.

Ståhlberg, Sabira and Ingvar Svanberg. “Wildmen in Central Asia.” Anthropos: International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics 112(July 2017): 1-11.

Wren, Christopher S. “On the trail of the wild man of China.” The New York Times. June 5, 1984.

Zhang, Sarah. “DNA Reveals the Yeti Is Actually a Bunch of Bears.” November 28, 2017.

Zhou, Guoxing. “Fifty Years of Tracking the Chinese Wildman.” The Relict Hominoid Inquiry 1 (2012):118-141.

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