How to stop Google from making money off every search you do!

3 years ago

It takes 1 min or less to protect yourself & your children from Google spying on you & generating ad revenue off everything you do! Please take the rime to do this to each and every one of your child’s phones , your parents &! Grandparents as well! I estimate without searching they Google makes between $1000-$2000 of each person every year for just their “Search” data and displaying ads to you & your family!

When you do a search on iPhone Safari it is default set up to search on google! Many people download apps to avoid this, but when then with the default search engine set on Google they are collecting that data on you in some way!

Here is the #1 way to tell them to piss off, stop indoctrinating your children with left wing garbage propaganda & lies & to fight back against big tech & their toxic cancel culture! These people literate wish you didn’t exist! The least you can do is stop paying them money!

1. Go to settings
2. Scroll down till your get to Safari & Click
3. Look for “Search Engine”
4. Pause

There you will see many search engines listed. Many go strait for duck duck go but I have recently discovered that all though they claim to not share your data with anyone and that all searches are private. But they are in business with Amazon which tells you immediately that although you may not be being tracked by duck duck go, the moment they send you to Amazon you are. And l can almost guarantee you that Amazon then turns right around and shares the data they collected from you to Duck duck go!

So I personally use Yandex! It’s a Russian app! And anyone the deepstate and swamp does not like, I look at them as an ally! Notice how Trump got along with everyone the swamp doesn’t ? Don’t over think it, it’s that easy! Putin hates the swamp! And I would much rather a Russian company have my data than an American company who claims they care about my privacy! Plus it comes with a built is VPN (virtual privacy network) that hides your true IP address!! The best part , is it’s all free!

But you can download any web browser/search engine you like from the App Store! Obviously not chrome , Firefox or any of these criminals.

And then
Step:5 Go back to where your search engines are and you will see the new one listed that you just downloaded & turn it to your default browser!

What does this do compared to going to the app itself to do it? It fully integrates the app with your phone to where all the phones normal features work like they are supposed to and you can do your safari searches and it will automatically route your searches through this new search engine instead of having to go find that app each and every 1 million times a day you , your children or your parents feel like searching all the weird stuff we search!

This is a full blown Cold War! We hope it stays that way for the sake of our nation! The last thing they want is a hot war with the most powerful army on earth!

But during this culture war we must make a huge effort to hit them where it hurts! Their pockets! Do you know what we could get done if over night 100 million MAGA supporters stopped using Google search engine ? They would beg and plead and swear to a god they do not believe in that they will stop all censorship & privacy violations!

You know what our government would do if we say “We are #BoycottFedTax” until this election fraud is dealt within the people guilty of treason are held accountable ? The entire country would come to a stand still! We the people hold the power! This is what they fear, the people assembling! We must never forget that they are the minority!! We must stick together so they can not attack us!! And we all really should boycott federal taxes & watching their damn heads pop off!

We have plenty of reasons! I mean the fact we have a fake president & a fraudulent administration is enough! But other than that Biden thinks it’s our responsibility to pay for 4000 new illegal aliens each day that are coming into our country who will get free healthcare , free food, free housing! ITS TIME TO TAKE A STAND! And in 2022 when we take control back we are going to butcher the FBI & CIA ORGANIZATION BY SHUTTING THEM DOWN OVER NIGHT SO OBAMA’s Last line of criminal defense is destroyed & we will have our justice! We will take everything all these criminals have , do not think we are losing! WE ARE WINNING! Thats what you are witnessing right now! The election fraud had to happen! It liberated the country as there is no longer a single shadow for Rhinos and Swamp Criminal to hide! We know every single one of them! That is why they you are seeing them freak out!! They know we are going to have them pay the ultimate price for their treason!!

We have all the evidence! And we are building more & we will bring it all forward when we have complete control of congress that way no one gets off! Their going to fry! Hang in there & keep up the good fight!

If you do decide to boycott your federal taxes like many are! Be sure to write a letter to the IRS telling them why, then transfer all your money from your bank account to a crypto account! They have stable coins if Bitcoin is scary to you! Means it’s pinned to the dollar and doesn’t go up or down! It stays right at $1. You can get a debit card that allows you to spend money just as you always have. Free ATM withdraws etc!

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