Millennial Reign of Christ series: (Part 4) Difference between "saints"

3 years ago

In this fourth part of the Millennial Reign series I will discuss the differences between "saints".
I. Who is this period designed for? (Saints, but notice the differences)
a. He comes with the “all saints”. These seem to be Old Testament saints (Zech. 14:5, Jude 14), Rev. 19 [“fine linen”] is us as well and 1 Thess. 3:13.
b. But Rules with the saints in Dan. 7:13-27. Once again Old Testament saints and those martyred during the “70th week” (Rev. 6:9-11 [“white robes”], 11:15-19 [notice how Jewish this is, also 24 elders here again], 13:7-10 [“overcome” the saints? This is not the church Matt. 16:18], 14:12-13 [“works” do follow-what works-Matt. 25:31-46], 16:6-7, 17:6 [drunk on two different groups’ blood], 18:24, 20:4-5 [“first resurrection”]) and those that endure to end [Make it through alive](Matt. 24:13, 25:31-46).

Music in Intro:
"Be Thou My Vision" Hymn arranged (2012) by Greg Howlett
Played By Kim Strong
Used by Permission from Sister Kim Strong
Recorded in my Home Studio
Not meant for profit
Sheet Music:

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