Patrick Byrne: "I'm Prepared To Go To The Firing Squad On This...We Can't Give Up"

3 years ago

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Special Guest: Patrick Byrne is the former CEO of and served in executive leadership over several other large companies in the tech and manufacturing industries. He is a classical liberal who fights now for a healthy free market and sound education. He is a co-chair of the Milton & Rose Friedman Foundation for Education Choice. He also leads the fight against corruption in our capital markets and runs the Deep Capture website.  Patrick Byrne earned a Certificate from Beijing Normal University, a Dartmouth BA, Cambridge M.Phil  (as a Marshall Scholar), and a Stanford PhD.  Twenty years later, Byrne was named National Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young. That 20 years was one of toil, sweat, David vs. Goliath matches, breakthrough discoveries, losses, and (occasionally) victories. Along the way, in 2004 Byrne and the oligarchy got cross-wise, and they have been at odds ever since. He believes the oligarchy has two wings, Wall Street and the Deep State, and that he has them cornered.  Byrne, Patrick, M. The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him (p. 244). Deep Capture LLC. Kindle Edition. 

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