TIP: Avoiding a 12" x 2"x6" wood block on the freeway - Calgary

3 years ago

Driving Tip of the day:

1. Do not panic. Wait and observe to see what the object will do (in this case it bounced around a little bit in the beginning when coming off of the 1/2 ton truck. I had to pause temporarily to see where it would bounce - possibly off a crack or imperfection in the pavement). What if it caught a crack or bump and bounced up toward my windshield for instance, changed direction etc.?
2. Once you can anticipate (a key word here!) where the object is going to go, then SMOOTHLY steer around the object - in this case onto the left (fast lane) shoulder after also noting where I have room - vehicles around me etc).
3. One of the "tricks" here once you decide to swerve around an object is to look where you want to go (in this case the shoulder). If you look at the object you will, in all likelihood, hit it! This phenomena is referred to as "target fixation". Your hands follow your eyes. Look at the object and it is yours! So, make sure you look where you want to end up (not the ditch either! LOL).
4. If you are not smooth, you can induce a spin and possibly a collision with others, or guardrails or end up in the ditch. no need to panic!

A few years ago, an aluminum extension ladder (think two layers "high") fell off a truck in front of me in the fast (left lane) of Deerfoot Trail northbound just north of Peigan Trail. Obviously there were many sparks and whatnot flying up as it skidded and rotated slightly anti-clockwise at around 60+ mph in front of me in my Honda S2000 (very low sports car with insufficient clearance to clear an extension ladder). I avoided the ladder in the same fashion as this video. I waited to see where it would go at first, noted busy traffic all around me and then smoothly steered to the left of it - exactly like this video in fact. No panic, no fuss, no muss.

NB: I have been competing/racing for 40+ years and teach competition/racing schools, winter driving schools,etc.


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